Isamu McGregor

Isamu McGregor

" Isamu McGregor is a jazz pianist and keyboard player of the first order. His site has some funky fusion and some more straight-ahead material, all with some out there blowing, and a rhythmically sophisticated approach. Harmonies feature a lot of quartal chords and altered dominants giving him a Herbie Hancock feel, but he's a real individual. Simply superb."

"[Isamu] has a broad palate of musical directions at his disposal. Whether acoustic swing, electric or free, he has a wonderful sound and vision... He is a pianist for the new generation."
Tony Moreno

" A bright talent, and a name from whom we're sure to hear a lot more."
All About Jazz

"It is a joy to listen to and watch Isamu make music. His musical gifts bring the music he plays to life and fills it with contagious enthusiam."
Greg Burk

"McGregor's ability to move convincingly between acoustic and electric keyboards ensures that he's routinely compared to Chick Corea, and such is his skill and technique (classically trained, jazz honed) that the analogy is not entirely fanciful."

"Isamu has been one of my most gifted students at NYU, no question. I saw and heard him develop over the months in very impressive fashion, and as his confidence grew and his personality asserted itself, I realized that a major artist was taking shape in front of me.
"He is also a marvelous composer and a beautiful human being.  The world is going to hear lots of amazing things from Isamu in the near future."

Jean-Michel Pilc

"A highly sophisticated writer... strikingly imaginative and original"
"...a dizzying variety of collaborators"

"McGregor is often lyrically gestural in the right hand,  in a manner reminiscent of that other fusion keyboard pioneer, Chick Corea, while his left smoothly articulates bubbling jazz funk bass lines of the sort Paul Jackson made his own, and few other players have successfully imitated."

Karaoke on 2nd Tuesdays